Ultrasound Instrumentation完善的超高频超声换能系统
Ultrasound Instrumentation完善的超高频超声换能系统 为了帮助用户获得实验数据,Sonic Concepts亦提供准确测试和记录高频超声的穿射效率、RF 输入能量、换能器声能输出等的专用设备,Sonic Concepts同时亦提供换能器工作波动压力图,准确记录换能辐射区域及聚焦区域数值。 标准版换能辐射平衡记录仪RFB100 高清版换能符合平衡记录仪RFB101 RADIATION FORCE BALANCE RFB100 (standard) & RFB101 (high resolution) • High precision scale • Custom designed absorber material • Custom designed balance fixture • Measures up to 400 Watts of acoustic power • Custom developed software, SonicScale 水秘计21A 和 22A WATTMETER 21A & 22A • High power, 20 and 200 Watt scales, CW 100% duty cycle on either scale • The 22A model provides 200 and 2000 Watt scales • Low loss, less than 1% at 2000 Watts • Provided with calibration; additional points are available upon request 流体脱气系统WDS104 和 WDS105+ WATER DEGASSING SYSTEM WDS104 & WDS105+