This kit contains the microscale components to do the majority of experiments described in Organic Laboratory Techiques, Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz, Randy G. Engel, Sanders College Publishing-Chicago IL. and Microscale Organic Laboratory, Dana W. Mayo, Ronald M. Pike, Samuel S. Butcher, John S. Wiley & Sons, NY., NY. The MW-16-01 kit is packaged in a polypropylene box having movable dividers permitting additional components to be added at a later date. All joints are 14/10 with the outer members externally threaded. The Kit contains one each of the following components: Claisen Adapter(MW-20-01), Inlet/Vacuum Adapter(MW-33-01), Jacketed Condenser(MW-42-01), Drying Tube(MW-46-01), Hickman Still Head(MW-50-01), 10mL Round Bottom Flask(MW-58-02), 2mL Craig Tube Outer(MW-74-02), Teflon Plunger for Craig Tube(MW-74-05), 3mL Conical Reaction Vial(MW-80-04), 5mL Conical Reaction Vial(MW-80-05), Large Teflon Spinvane(CG-2008-11). Large quantity discounts are available, please call 1-800-843-1794 for details. Kit to consist of:
MW-20-01, MW-33-01, MW-42-01, MW-46-01, MW-50-01, MW-58-02,
MW-74-02, MW-74-05, MW-80-04, MW-80-05, CG-2008-11.